
051 Sorption Technologies & Molecular Solutions for Bio monitoring and Removal of Pollutants

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049 HealthOmix: Advanced Multiomics and Integrative Technologies for personal and precision medicine

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048 Chemically modified mRNA for therapeutic applications

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044 Development of a Two-Component Hybrid Bioink for 3D Bioprinting of Vascularized Constructs

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042 The Laboratory of Applied Biotechnology (LAB) at Adam Mickiewicz University

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038 Implantonic - Intraosseous Dental Implant

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037 Calibration Object for Three-Dimensional Refractive Index Distribution

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035 Medical and genomics data standardization, analysis and decision support

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034 Novel energy storage concepts and devices

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026 Applications of AI in Medicine

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025 3D Printing for Biomedical Applications

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014 Biologically Active Composites for Medicine

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005 AutoMedPrint - automated design and rapid manufacturing of individualized mechanical and biomechatronic prosthetic and orthotic devices

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