About the project

Project MEZeroE: Measuring Envelope products and systems contributing to next generation of healthy
nearly Zero Energy Buildings, Horizon 2020 No. 953157 aims to create an EU distributed open
innovation ecosystem for: developing nearly Zero Energy Building (nZEB) Enabler Envelope Solutions;
transferring knowledge; matching testing needs with test facilities; providing monitoring in real buildings
used as living labs; standardizing cutting-edge solutions coming from Small and Medium Enterprises
(SMEs) and larger industries.
The main goal of the project is to build a European platform MEZeroE, which will support the placing on

the market of innovative products and building systems contributing to the construction of healthy new-
generation buildings with almost zero energy consumption. MEZeroE platform as an online, multi-sided,

single entry point (SEP) virtual market includes: 9 pilot measurement and verification lines (PM&VL), 3
Open Innovation Services (OIS: OIS1 – Framework procedures for certification and CE marking, OIS2
– Cost-effective measurement & verification smart kit for living labs, OIS3 – Get access to expert
guidance on open innovation, using a digital platform, on the life cycle management of your products),
Access to real buildings as living labs (LL), Additional resources and support, including training,
business model development, systematic intellectual property and knowledge management, and more.
MEZeroE will enable prototypes to be quickly placed on the market as fully characterized with CE mark
(with their full potential used).

Partners taking part in this project


Cracow University of Technology

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